Saturday, August 10, 2013


Lane just asked me a question followed by " tell me the truth"   

He squeezed my nose earlier today and told me to take my breathing treatment 

He also follows up a lot of the things he says with "or not". For example, are we going there or not. Are you going to get me that or not. Ha! 

Silly boy!  We have had a great day! 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekend recap

A busy weekend! I received a text from my friend Laura late Friday night inviting us to the Zac Brown and Kenny Chesney concert on Saturday Night at the Georgia Dome. I lined up care for the kids and we had a blast. So thankful for my sweet parents for keeping the kiddos. Before we left for Atlanta, Some friends and I hosted a baby shower for my sweet friend Candace at my house.  It turned out really nice.  We stayed in Atlanta for the night and then spent some time with my parents on Sunday. And now back to the work week. Ugh!