Sunday, June 30, 2013

Just a little something sweet

Chris put Lane to bed tonight. 15 mins after Chris came downstairs, we heard Lane open the door. When I told him to go back to bed he replied:
I want my daddy
I miss him
I love him
Then when Chris told him to go to bed he said:
I want you stay with me forever 

Precious! Melt my heart! 

After about ten mins of that it wasn't cute anymore. Ha! Bedtime! 

First dentist appointment

Lane had his first dentist appointment a few weeks ago. He did great. Ms. Robin was so sweet to him. She let him play with all her tools and gadgets. However, he had three cavities :(  He will be going to a pediatric dentist this week so a consult. Hope it goes well. I have felt like a terrible mom because of the cavities. Lane hates to brush his teeth and loves to drink milk. Screams every night. He hates the taste of tooth paste. I will definitely do better with Adaline. And will definitely be more strict about lane brushing. 

Family vaca and more!

We got back from our week at St.Simons yesterday. It was a great week. We went with the Holloways and had a great condo right near the beach. The kids had a blast playing together and aggravating each other. We played on the beach and went to the water park on Jekyll. Lane loved it. Adaline loves the beach like the rest of us. 

Adaline got tubes on the 19th. She ran a high fever for several days afterwards. She is feeling much better! 

Before the beach we had a visit from Laura and Annie. It was a great visit just too short. Miss y'all! 

We will leave on Saturday to head to Gulfport, MS to visit Pawpaw Greer. We will also get to visit with the Parish family in Hattiesburg. They are our old neighbors from Ingleside. Can't wait!  

Today is out 6th Anniversary! God has truly blessed our marriage and family over the last 6 years. Chris is an amazing father. He feeds, bathes, and changes the kids. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for them. He is very caring and so funny. He keeps me laughing. I can't wait to see what the next six years holds. It is hard to believe we have been together for almost 10 years. Time is flying! 

Lane has been saying some pretty funny things lately
- we better hurry before it is too late
- it's got lots of energy
-I am going to keep an eye on you sister
- while taking a bite of spaghetti he said this isn't that bad at all
 It is probably funnier hearing them yourself in his sweet voice

He is doing so good swimming! He loved the beach so much. 

Adaline is growing so fast. She is the sweetest thing ever. She LOVES to eat! And she loves to eat anything. We are off the bottle and she is eating all table food. She loves vanilla Greek yogurt and peas. She takes great naps and sleeps great at night. 

Enjoy some pics! 

Monday, June 17, 2013

First, first and more first

Adaline's first birthday was on the 14th. Where has the year gone? We had a party on the 8th for her. It was lots of fun!

Adaline, you weigh 20 pounds. You no longer take a bottle and you are eating table foods. You love all food. Just like your mama. You love your brother and laugh at everything he does. You love pushing toys around the house.  You don't like it when we move you away from something you want to get into to. You can pull wipes out of the wipe container as fast as I have ever seen. You can climb the stairs in the blink of an eye. The baby gate is now up. You are a great sleeper. I have to say at this point you are a Mama's girl! You are waving hi and bye. We love you so much! We will be leaving Saturday for your first beach trip. Can't wait to see how you like it!  You aren't loving your car seat these days so the road trip should be interesting. Oh and you have two bottom teeth. They came in the last two weeks!

Lane had his first dentist appointment today. He did so good. Ms. Robin was so sweet to him. He ended up wearing her face shield and gloves. She even let him play with the water squirter and vacuum hose. 

This week has been busy and it is only Monday! Adaline had her first pre op before getting her tubes on Wednesday. We go to Dr. Vernon tomorrow morning for him to complete her clearance paperwork. Both kids are currently on antibiotics. Lane has had strep three times in six weeks. I sure hope his tonsils aren't going to have to come out. And of course Adaline's ears were infected...again. Six rounds of antibiotics and two shots since Easter. Bring on the tubes! 

The kiddos also took their first ride on Pop Pop and Sassy's boat. They loved it! 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

First movie!

First movie at the theater today! We are watching smurfs! Someone is excited!

Monday, June 3, 2013


Haven't posted in forever. Sorry! Update coming soon. Enjoy these pics until then!