The weekend was good. I had a bad headache all day Friday, I skipped the gym, and picked the kids up and we took a trip to Walmart. Lane loves looking at the toys and Adaline just goes along for the ride. Saturday morning I cleaned house and just had a lazy morning. We met my parents for lunch and then headed home for naps. Chris got off and we played outside for a bit and then went to cheddars for dinner. On Sunday we went to church and I went for a run while Chris fed the kids. He then went golfing. After naps, we went for a walk and played outside until dinner time. Pretty exciting stuff I know!!!
Adaline is starting to get brave while standing. She is starting to let go
Of what she is holding onto while she is standing. She will be moving up at church next Sunday. Lane said several funny things over the weekend. He said "mama come here it is an emergency it is an emergency". He dropped a tiny piece of grape on the floor. He also likes to get In Adaline's crib. Yesterday he was crawling out of it and he caught himself from falling and said "I saved my life". Ha! He also said oranges are tasty. I can never get him to eat oranges.
Super busy week this week. I just got to my office after a 5 am workout with Elizabeth. I have so much paperwork to do. I have three meetings on Wednesday and I will be heading to Athens Thursday afternoon for a work conference on Friday! Wahoo!
Adaline got her first taste of sand too! She loved crawling in the play house.
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