Thursday, April 25, 2013

Adaline's Birth Story

Adaline was born on June 14th, 2012. I was induced a week prior to her due date because my doctor was going out of town and I really wanted him to be there. I went in to the hospital around 5:00 a.m. and was given pitocin around 6:00 a.m. I think I may have dilated two centimeters on my own and I was having contractions but I could not feel them. I was pretty set on getting me epidural early so I would not have to endure any pain. Why would I when I didn't have to anyway!?!? So they started my epidural and the doctor came in to break my water. THE. WORST. PAIN. EVER.!!! My doctor was kind of shocked that I could feel it as much as I did. They came in and did some other things too and I could feel EVERYTHING so obviously my epidural was not working. The anesthesiologist came in and redid the epidural. Still nothing. My contractions were beginning to get more intense as time went on. I was not having contractions in my stomach but more so in my bottom area (trying to spare all of the gory details for my two readers). They tried to redo the epidural four times and I still could not get any relief. If you have never had an epidural, the actual needle part is not as bad as you would think. The worst part is getting in the crouching position while having contractions, hugging a pillow, and then the tingling sensation. Ugh, like nails on a chalk board, but not painful. I was sweating profusely throughout the whole ordeal.
I also had lots of anxiety about the pain I would feel when the she made her entrance into the world. That part really wasn't bad compared to everything else. About 4:00 things got really, really bad. I pretty much told the doctor to knock me out and take the baby. I was in tears and was in so much pain. The anesthesiologist came back and gave me something to calm my nerves which helped me concentrate on my breathing. At about 6:00, I was exhausted and the doctor told me I was ready to push. A couple of pushes and Adaline Kate English entered the world weighing 7lbs, 4 oz.
I had some minor back surgery in February of 2011. All we can figure is the scar tissue from that surgery kept the medicine from the epidural from getting where it needed to go. The doctor was going to try to give me an epidural below my surgery scar but by the time everyone figured out what was going on it was time to push. I have so much respect for those mama's that choose natural child birth because it is no joke!
I would do it all again and endure all the pain to have my sweet baby Adaline. She is the sweetest thing ever! God truly blessed our family!

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